Railroad Ties and Spikes Need a ReWrite and ReDesign - We all know what a railroad tie looks like and those little spikes they use too.
Safe Sex - Talk about sex.
In Praise of Getting Up Early - Randy and George have been friends since high school.
How To Have An Above Average IQ Score - What is the average IQ score? In theory the tests are designed so that half the population will score below 100 and half above, and are scored according to age of the test taker.
Yoga Exercises Healthy Lifeline With The Yoga Experience - No debate can arise from Yoga Exercises or is questionable on just how powerful yoga can be.
A Promise to Ernie Pyle - On May 8 I'm going over to Birch Hill up the road and pay a visit to 89 year old Ace Parker.
Fear Power - The more material wealth and power one accumulates, the more necessary it becomes to spend both to maintain possession.
Raja Yoga Gaining Complete Control of Mind for Deep Meditation - Raja Yoga involves exact meditation techniques which lead to experiences of the truth and finally achieve liberation.
Tornatic Cell and Severe Weather from Hell - Tornadoes rip through the Midwest and we have no way to stop them yet.
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